Country of Origin : Eurpoe
Non-GMO Certificate from SGS
Introduction : SoyLife® only takes the precious part, soy germ, from the soybean. There are two specification, SoyLife® 40% (40% isoflavones) and SoyLife® Complex Regular N-GMO (2% isoflavones). These items are both made from non-GMO soybean. We could provide the Non-GMO certificate to the customers who ordered the SoyLife® products. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in these products.
Characteristic : No organic solvent used, Non-GMO certificate from SGS and Taiwan FIRDI and Patent-protected
Certificate : Kosher, Halal
Study : Efficacy proven by several clinical studies
Application : Dietary supplement, Bakery and Processed foods
Web site : www.soylife.com